Fresh Tuna and Seaweed Poke Salad: A Hawaiian Delight

February 19, 2023
Tuna and Seaweed Poke Salad

Tuna and Seaweed Poke Salad is a modern variation on a classic Hawaiian dish that blends the fresh, flavor-packed ingredients of poke with the creamy, nutty taste of avocado.

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About Tuna and Seaweed Poke Salad

The history of Tuna and Seaweed Poke Salad is likely tied to the account of poke bowls and salads in Hawaiian cuisine. Poke, which means “to slice or cut” in Hawaiian, is a dish that traditionally consists of marinated raw fish diced into small pieces and served over rice. The word is believed to have originated with native Hawaiian fishermen who would season the scraps of their catch with seaweed, salt, and other seasonings.

Over time, poke evolved to include various ingredients, including different types of fish and vegetables. Tuna and seaweed poke salads likely emerged as a variation of this dish that emphasizes the flavors and textures of these ingredients.

Avocado has been a staple ingredient in Mexican cuisine for thousands of years, and its popularity has spread to other parts of the world in recent decades. When combined with the fresh, flavorful ingredients of a poke bowl, avocado adds a creamy texture and a rich, nutty flavor that complements the taste of the fish and seaweed.

It’s difficult to trace the exact origins of Tuna and Seaweed Poke Salad. Still, this dish has likely become increasingly popular in recent years due to the growing popularity of poke bowls and the growing interest in healthy, flavorful food.

Overall, Tuna and Seaweed Poke Salad is a modern variation on a classic Hawaiian dish that blends the fresh, flavor-packed ingredients of poke with the creamy, nutty taste of avocado.

Why Try Tuna and Seaweed Poke Salad?

Tuna and seaweed poke salad is a popular dish for several reasons:

Overall, Tuna and Seaweed Poke Salad is a delicious, nutritious, and attractive dish that appeals to people for its unique flavor, texture, and health benefits.

Unique Aspects

In conclusion, tuna and seaweed poke salad is a tasty and nutritious dish full of flavor, nutrients, and versatility. It is an excellent way to get your daily dose of vitamins and proteins deliciously and satisfactorily.

Tuna and Seaweed Poke Salad

Course: Lunch


Prep time



Tuna and Seaweed Poke Salad is a delicious, nutritious, and attractive dish that appeals to people for its unique flavor.


  • 6 oz Fresh Tuna

  • 1/2 oz Dried Wakame Seaweed

  • 1/2 oz Dried Hijiki Seaweed

  • 3 Small Chives

  • 1 Green Onion

  • 1 Small Avocado

  • 1 Tsp Low Sodium Soy Sauce

  • 1/2 Tsp Sesame Oil

  • 1/2 Tsp Chili Oil

  • 1 Tbsp Lemon or Lime Juice

  • Black Sesame Seeds

  • Pinch of Salt


  • If you are using frozen fish, defrost the night before on a rack in the least cold part of the fridge. Dry well with paper towels and cut into bite-sized cubes with a knife. Reserve.
  • Rehydrate the wakame and hijiki seaweed in a bowl of hot water for 5-10 minutes. Drain very well and chop. Wash and chop the spring onion very finely and the chives. Cut the avocado without the skin into wedges. Toast the sesame seeds if desired.
  • Arrange the fish on a plate or platter and mix with the spring onion, half the chives, the seaweed, the soy sauce, and the sesame oil. Place in a serving bowl and add the avocado, which we will wet with lime or lemon juice. Add a little chili oil and salt, and decorate with the rest of the chives.